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Ongoing work around Mohe
This summer, Prof. Bin Hu and a small team will return to the Mohe field site and choose another representative sampling area for a second set of samples. The aim is to test the influence of alders and their root nodules on the...[more]
Alder root nodules
We saw the importance of alders in fueling permafrost nitrogen cycling (Ramm et al. 2022) – but which bacteria exactly are there in the root nodules in the alder forest of Mohe? Alder (Alnus sp.) is commonly in symbiosis...[more]
Fire experiment on Disko Island
One of the most pressing research needs is the effect of arctic fires on the soil microbiome in permafrost soil as fires are increasing in the permafrost region due to climate change. Also concerning our study site in NE China, a...[more]
The second campaign in Mohe
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, a field campaign at the Mohe permafrost site took place at the end of the growing season in 2020, supported by extraordinarily warm temperatures. Within the campaign, Prof. Liu was working on a...[more]
Mosses and lichens
Although the temperature in Mohe was below -20 °C in November 2019, mosses and lichens could still be found in the field. Some cyanobacteria associated to them potentially fix atmospheric nitrogen (N2) and thus increase nitrogen...[more]
A new cooperation with Prof. Heinz Rennenberg (Southwest University, Chongqing) introduces further highly acknowledged expertise to NIFROCLIM
In November 2019, Michael Dannenmann and his new PhD student in the project, Elisabeth Ramm, flew to Chongqing (China) together with Chunyan Liu to meet Heinz Rennenberg, the founding director of the recently established Center...[more]
Intensive GHG flux measurements at the Mohe sites
To address landscape-scale flux variations, Chunyan Liu and his team conduct intensive greenhouse gas (GHG) flux measurements with over 100 flux chambers at sub-daily to sub-weekly temporal resolution at all sites in a catchment...[more]
The first joint field campaign
The first field campaign of NIFROCLIM was a summer campaign, taking place in July 2019 following the kickoff meeting. In this first campaign, the NIFROCLIM team combined its complementary expertise by investigating several...[more]
NIFROCLIM kickoff meeting: Starting an interdisciplinary Sino-German project on permafrost biogeochemistry
Building on a long tradition of Sino-German cooperation between IAP-CAS and IMK-IFU that persists since several generations of scientists, the NIFROCLIM project was launched with the Kickoff Meeting from July 18-20, 2019 in the...[more]